Victoria Malouf
Sep 24, 2018
Can you be addicted to sugar?
So let me tell you a story . . . At the beginning of 2014, after having lost 18kg, I then decided that I wanted to hit the 20kg weight...

Victoria Malouf
Aug 1, 2017
Nutrition Vs Exercise - What wins the weight loss battle
Firstly apologies again for the lack of blogging. Let’s just say that the last year of uni was a bit of a big one and I needed to put all...

Victoria Malouf
Feb 3, 2015
B.E.D ... And no it's not the thing you sleep in at night
So this post is about something that is very close to my heart - B.E.D (and no, it's not the thing you sleep in at night - as much as I...

Victoria Malouf
Jan 14, 2015
Welcome to 2015!!
Welcome to 2015 and to my first blog post of the year. By now you’re probably just getting over the New Year and Christmas period and...